Heat meters

Efficient heat management in a number of buildings in housing, communal or other spheres does not do without taking measurement of heat consumption. Heat measurement is a difficult measurement task namely owing to the fact that the flow of thermal energy is not always determined exactly - contrary to electricity or gas. In the sphere of heating, it is necessary to distinguish between two basic categories of heat consumption (record) measurement:

Heat consumption meters - for billing purposes

The measurement for billing purposes means that it is certified by the CMI authority and has the design approval and can serve as background data for the supplier to charge the client for consumed energy. This meter has 2 thermometers, a flow meter and an evaluating unit counting the consumed energy based on temperature and flow rate differences. Temperature is taken most frequently using PT500 temperature sensor pairs in four-wire design. In our case, we use the flow meter in small houses and a mechanical water meter with a battery-operated evaluating unit for measurements in dwelling units. For higher temperatures, possibly for higher flow rates or pressures, we use induction flow meters that are highly durable and adapted for industrial application. This advantage is exploited e.g. at the footing of the house, in the junction exchange stations, right in the thermal sources, but also in measuring cold.

Ratio measurement

The ratio measurement of heat (consumption records) in flats or parts of buildings serves as background data for allocation of heating costs among individual users - ultimate consumers. The measurement takes its course through indicators detecting the average temperature in a reference location of the heater and these are thereby related to a particular type of meter. When using this method, it is also necessary to use coefficients taking technical and layout nature into account (e.g. central heating body type, shape and size, the location of a room or flat towards cardinal points, effects of temperature of surrounding walls and ceilings, etc.). These correction factors serve, among others, for tenants in outside flats with naturally higher heat consumption cannot be put at a disadvantage. Therefore, individual measurement data must be recounted using a special energy allocation program. Our company provides for complete sale service of these energy indicators (Heat Cost Allocators - HCA) along with installation and mapping of the entire house, including allocation.